Design Files for MEA#

Design files of a variety of MEAs with different resolutions and configurations are provided here. Designs are made in GDS format using free software Klayout.

59 electrode#

This layout is compatible with the widely employed Multichannel Systems MEA2100 recording system. The design file is available here.

Picture of 59 MEA

128 electrode#

To showcase the flexibility of our process, we present here a series of 128-electrode MEAs with various topologies. Demonstrations of using these designs for neuron culturing and recording can be found in paper [1].

  1. Rectangular layout (download)

Picture of 128_rec

  1. Curved layout (download)

Picture of 128_cur

  1. Perturbed layout (download)

Picture of 128_per

  1. 4-well layout (download)

Picture of 128_4well

256 electrode#

The design file is available here.

Picture of 256 MEA

512 electrode#

The design file is available here.

Picture of 512 MEA


If you are using these designs, please cite the following paper:

  • [1] Zhang, Dou, Kim, Upadhyay, Havert, Kang, Kazemi, Huang, Aydin, Huang, Rahman, Ellis-Mohr, Noblet, Lim, Chung, Gritton, Saif, Kong, Beggs, Gazzola. ‘Mind in Vitro’ platforms: Versatile, scalable, robust and open solutions to interfacing with living neurons. bioRxiv, 2023, pp.2023-08